This post was written by Martha Stone and highlights new titles added to Treadwell's collection in September.
Title: The Psychological and social impact of illness and disability / Irmo Marini, Mark A. Stebnicki, editors
Publisher: New York : Springer Pub. Co., c2012
Edition: 6th
Location: MGH Book Stacks CALL # HV 1553 P9745 2012
Description: xx, 547 p. ; 26 cm.
Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index
Publisher: New York : Springer Pub. Co., c2012
Edition: 6th
Location: MGH Book Stacks CALL # HV 1553 P9745 2012
Description: xx, 547 p. ; 26 cm.
Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index
A revised edition of The psychological & social impact of illness and disability. 2007, and edited by professors from U-Texas and East Carolina University, respectively, this book includes contributions from specialists in a variety of fields in North American institutions and private practice. The Preface states that almost 2/3 of the chapters are new or updated, and this edition has been “significantly reconstructed while maintaining the integrity of its predecessors.” The back cover blurb states that this book “continues to be the most comprehensive and diverse text available” on the topic. New to this edition are global perspectives; trauma-related issues of recent combat veterans; and psychosocial issues of women with disabilities, among other topics.
Title: The Development of language / [edited by] Jean Berko Gleason, Nan Bernstein Ratner
Publisher: Boston : Pearson, c2013
Edition: 8th
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # LB 1139 .L3 D489 2013
Description: xxi, 433 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Notes: Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Publisher: Boston : Pearson, c2013
Edition: 8th
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # LB 1139 .L3 D489 2013
Description: xxi, 433 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Notes: Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
A title in the Allyn & Bacon communication sciences and disorders series, and coming 4 years after the previous edition, this book, states the back cover blurb, “includes more [information] on cross-linguistic language acquisition (emphasizing Spanish, new research on the nature and treatment of language disorders in children, and new perspectives on the impact of culture on language development and variation.” Other new features include expanded coverage of “the latest findings on language following stroke and language in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.” Twenty percent of the references are new to this edition. The editors, who are at B. U. and U-Maryland, respectively, state in their Preface that their goal is “to provide an authoritative, interesting text that includes concepts and research findings that are both important and useful.” Each chapter includes suggested projects, suggested readings, keywords and references.
Title: Genetics : analysis of genes and genomes / Daniel L. Hartl, Maryellen Ruvolo
Publisher: Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning, c2012
Edition: 8th
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # QH 430 H331g 2012
Description: xxix, 800 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm.
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
Publisher: Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning, c2012
Edition: 8th
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # QH 430 H331g 2012
Description: xxix, 800 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm.
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
This edition, coming 3 years after the previous one, has been “thoroughly revised and updated” as per the back cover blurb, and “provides a clear, balanced, and comprehensive introduction” to the field, at the college level. Each chapter includes a “new section highlighting scientific competencies” and other new features include new problem sets, a new chapter on human evolutionary genetics, and updated data. Both authors are Harvard professors. The 19 chapters are: Genes, genomes, and genetic analysis -- DNA structure and genetic variation -- Transmission genetics : the principle of segregation -- Chromosomes and sex-chromosome inheritance -- Genetic linkage and chromosome mapping -- Molecular biology of DNA replication and recombination -- Molecular organization of chromosomes -- Human karyotypes and chromosome behavior -- Genetics of bacteria and their viruses -- Molecular biology of gene expression -- Molecular mechanisms of gene regulation -- Genomics, proteomics, and transgenics -- Genetic control of development -- Molecular mechanisms of mutation and DNA repair -- Molecular genetics of the cell cycle and cancer -- Mitochondrial DNA and extranuclear inheritance -- Molecular evolution and population genetics -- The genetic basis of complex traits -- Human evolutionary genetics.
Title: Clinical trials : design, conduct, and analysis / Curtis L. Meinert
Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, c2012
Edition: 2nd
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # QV 771 M514c 2012
Description: xxxv, 665 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, c2012
Edition: 2nd
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # QV 771 M514c 2012
Description: xxxv, 665 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
Coming a full 25 years after the previous edition, this volume in the Monographs in epidemiology and biostatistics series is intended, states the Preface, as a “reference for designers and practitioners of trials” with a focus on RCTs. The author, who is epidemiology professor and founding director of the Center for Clinical Trials at Johns Hopkins, states that this edition contains new chapters and newly-rearranged material, resulting in twice the number of chapters as the previous edition. The book is in 8 parts, 52 chapters, and 11 appendices; there are dozens of tables and figures.
Title: Emergencies in pediatric oncology / Katrin Scheinemann, Allison E. Boyce, editors
Publisher: New York : Springer, c2012
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # QZ 275 E53 2012
Description: xi, 185 p. : ill.
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
Publisher: New York : Springer, c2012
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # QZ 275 E53 2012
Description: xi, 185 p. : ill.
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
Written, as the back cover blurb states, as a “concise, practical resource for the hurried physician” it offers an “easy-to-read guide especially useful for residents, fellows, and nurses.” The editors and contributors are nurses, physicians, and pharmacists from 3 hospitals in Ontario, Canada. There are 16 chapters and many tables, figures and images.
Title: Research ethics consultation : a casebook / Marion Danis ... [et al.]
Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2012.
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # W 20.55 .E7 R429 2012
Description: xiii, 259 p. ; 24 cm.
Note: Includes bibliographical references
Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2012.
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # W 20.55 .E7 R429 2012
Description: xiii, 259 p. ; 24 cm.
Note: Includes bibliographical references
All authors are on the Bioethics Consultation Service of the Clinical Center of the NIH, the largest research hospital in the U.S. According to the hospital’s website, it opened in 1953 and currently 1500 clinical research studies are ongoing. The Foreword states that “this volume systematically organizes and utilizes the rich experiences” of that of that Service, and “challenges readers to explore how difficult ethical questions might be approached and resolved in practice.” The 7 chapters are: Starting research -- Enrolling research participants -- Protecting research participants -- Conducting research with vulnerable populations -- Balancing clinical research and clinical care -- Navigating interpersonal difficulties -- Ending research. There are also 7 appendices.
Title: Cardiac surgery in the adult / [edited by] Lawrence H. Cohn
Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill Professional, c2012
Edition: 4th
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # WG 169 C26725 2012
Location: MGH Media Call # WG 169 C26725 2012
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill Professional, c2012
Edition: 4th
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # WG 169 C26725 2012
Location: MGH Media Call # WG 169 C26725 2012
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
Coming 5 years after the previous edition, this has been updated with new content on “pivotal trends and topics” according to the back cover blurb, and new full-color design.
The editor is Professor of Surgery at BWH, and the contributors are from major institutions worldwide, including MGH. The DVD contains surgical video clips.
Title: The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology : looking back and moving ahead / edited by Michael J. Aminoff, Larry R. Faulkner.
Publisher: Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Pub., c2012
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # WM 21 A536 2012
Description: xix, 343 p., [24] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Publisher: Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Pub., c2012
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # WM 21 A536 2012
Description: xix, 343 p., [24] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index.
In 6 parts and 31 chapters, and with contributors from a variety of institutions nationwide, this volume was written to mark the 75th anniversary (in 2009) of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. The Preface states that this book “points the way to measures that likely need to be taken by the Board to ensure that it can continue to serve the interests of the public and the profession.” The jacket copy states that this book “shows how the Board, by defining core competencies in psychiatry and neurology, established national guidelines and standards for certification […] and its emphasis on the future as well as the past provides a framework for thinking about the contemporary issues that confront the individual clinician and the community as a whole.”
Title: A history of urology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, 1810-1996 / pref. by W. Scott McDougal.
Edition: Rev. ed.
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # WX 28 AM4 M414u 2010
Location: MGH Historic Reserve Call # WX 28 AM4 M414u 2010
Description: 74 p. : ill., ports.
Note: Includes bibliographical references.
Edition: Rev. ed.
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # WX 28 AM4 M414u 2010
Location: MGH Historic Reserve Call # WX 28 AM4 M414u 2010
Description: 74 p. : ill., ports.
Note: Includes bibliographical references.
Updated from its original, 1997 edition, this is an attractive volume filled with historic, black-and-white images from the earliest years of MGH’s Department of Urology, to the present. This edition, states the Preface, “has expanded on many areas recorded [previously] and updated the history to 2011.” Of particular use to future scholars may be the appendices, which include brief sketches of department chairs, as well as program graduates, and graduates who went on to become chairs at other institutions.
Title: Hidden treasure : the National Library of Medicine / edited by Michael Sappol ; designed by Laura Lindgren ; photography by Arne Svenson ; National Library of Medicine.
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Blast Books, 2012
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # Z 675.M4 H632 2012
Description: 239 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 29 x 26 cm
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Blast Books, 2012
Location: MGH Book Stacks Call # Z 675.M4 H632 2012
Description: 239 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 29 x 26 cm
Note: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Edited by a historian in the History of Medicine Division of the NLM, and published to celebrate NLM’s 175th anniversary, this book is also freely available as a PDF, at It is a large, beautiful, full-color volume, with images ranging from indoor snapshots of the NLM in the mid-20th century, to illuminated pages from some of its oldest holdings, such as Isagoge and Five Other Texts of the Articella, from the thirteenth century, and woodcuts from Vesalius’s The Epitome (1543) to images from the International Nurse Uniform Photograph Collection. Every page, in other words, illustrates one or more NLM treasures. The text on each page gives background information, and the book is written for the interested layperson.
Copyright ©2012 Treadwell Library MGH
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