Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Living in Sim

A colleague sent a link.

Living in Sim

Living in Sim is an experimental mixed reality artwork that includes a website, online social media, photography and video to explore the complexities present in the current health care environment and online social media. Medical mannequins – typically used as patient simulators to train medical staff – act as surrogates to present intricate relationships between our sense of identity, culture and health care in a technologically advanced society.

In each episode the all mannequin cast of characters respond to a given scenario and work through issues that arise in health care including ethics, insurance, medical error and patient confidentiality. The germ of each episode is a medical or health care incident in the media or popular culture that is worth debating like mass multiple births or radical surgery.

Why medical mannequins?They are virtual patients with real outcomes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hard to believe that this wacky art project was done at MGH. But, it was!!