Friday, December 30, 2011

New Resources for 2012!

Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers: developments in technology, the application of testing to decision making, and the ethical, legal, social and economic aspects of testing for researchers, clinicians, medical geneticists and genetic counselors.  Peer-reviewed, monthly, impact factor: 1.645.

From Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery:
JBJS Case Connector: case reports, connections and trends in orthopaedic surgery.
JBJS Essential Surgery Techniques: evolving practices in orthopaedic surgery.

Joint Commission: The Source: combines Benchmark and Perspectives on Patient Safety to make Joint Commission accreditation requirments, performance measurement and patient safety information available in one publication.

Journal of Visualized Experiments: biological, medical, chemical and physical research published in video format.  Treadwell now subscribes to JoVE General and the sections listed below.   Peer-reviewed, articles published online as accepted.
Journal of Visualized Experiments - Bioengineering
Journal of Visualized Experiments - Clinical and Translational Medicine
Journal of Visualized Experiments - Immunology and Infection
Journal of Visualized Experiments - Neuroscience

Pancreatology (available Jan. 2012): original articles, case reports, guidelines and reviews of basic, translational and clinical pancreatic research in gastroenterology, oncology, surgery, pharmacology, cellular and molecular biology, endocrinology, immunology and epidemiology.  Six issues per year, impact factor: 2.128.

Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice: data-based study, policy analysis and discussion of relevant policy issues exploring the relationships between nursing and health policy.  Peer-reviewed, quarterly.

PsycTESTS (searchable via Ovid Jan. 2012): database providing access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys and other assessments, as well as information on test development and administration.

Science Express: electronic publication of selected Science papers ahead of print.

Because of cost increase and low usage, we have also dropped the following titles, but may maintain access to backfiles as well as links to their availability elsewhere:
American Journal of Medical Genetics
ANZ Journal of Surgery
Clinical and Experimental Immunology
Current Opinion in Biotechnology
FEBS Journal
FEBS Letters
Gene Expression Patterns
Human Gene Therapy
Journal of Surgical Oncology
Laboratory Investigation
Mechanisms of Development
Nursing Inquiry

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