Friday, May 8, 2009

Announcement from NLM: MyDelivery available for beta testing

Mark Goldstein, NN/LM NER, Network Coordinator, posted this entry to the North Atlantic Health Science Libraries listserv:

"The National Library of Medicine’s Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications has produced MyDelivery, a prototype tool for communicating health and biomedical information. A result of R&D in Internet communications, MyDelivery enables two individuals to securely exchange information reliably, even through potentially unreliable wireless networks. The email-like user interface allows file attachments to be large in size (several gigabytes) or quantity (several thousand). This tool has potential applications in library document delivery, biomedical research, and HIPAA-compliant communication of patient health information. MyDelivery is currently in beta testing, and libraries and their patrons are invited to use it and provide feedback on its utility. The free registration and Windows client software are available at"

If you have ideas on how this would benefit your work, be sure to check out MyDelivery!

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